Session 2 | Recognizing and Reshaping Our Patterns of Meaning
Session 2 | Recognizing and Reshaping Our Patterns of Meaning
We focus attention on how root metaphors profoundly affect our meaning-making, and how to recognize and reshape our own patterns of meaning.
Sign up for the full version of the course to watch the session 2 - week 1 video and the following ones.
Last updated 18 Jul 2024.
Thank you for the opportunity to share in your amazing free session. I absolutely agree and resonate with your research and approach to sharing alternate opportunities to become aware of our internal and cultural patterning that have created horrendous devastation and is in desperate need of transformation in order to bring new meaning to life of all kind and to hold a worldview that offers the possibility of harmony, integration, unification and sustainable flourishing and cultivation of new life. I really enjoyed and appreciated this opportunity to learn from you and hope to learn more in the future. Kathy Florence, SA
Ohh, it's very nice first session I totally agree.
How can I listen further sessions. I live my life on gift culture and volunteering. I can't afford the course fees.
Any other option.
Plz mail me to
You can check out how to register to the course in this link:
If you can't afford the course fee, you can submit a scholarship application which you find the link in the bottom of the page.
I hope to see you in the course.
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