Session 1 | Historical Patterns of Meaning
Session 1 | Historical Patterns of Meaning
We trace how worldviews shaped history, and explore the Riddle of Admiral Zheng He and Christopher Columbus.
GEd 1a - Historical Patterns of Meaning - Slides.pdf
For reflection and discussion
💡 Has there been a time in your life when you became aware of implicit assumptions in your own worldview?
If so, what were they? And how did they change?
In the full version of the course, you will share your thoughts in a dedicated forum. For now, you can share in the comments below!
Last updated 18 Jul 2024.
1 comment
I have always thaught that human being will get closer as the thing of this world will be taken away from us but it was a misconception because the more it gets hard the more we separate from each other. If we see today, more people are behind of accumulation of wealth for securing their future and through this conception it has created selfishness in us.
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