News and Articles

Jonathan Dawson

What happens when you shift the power dynamics of pedagogy?

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This text is adapted from a chapter called "Pedagogy" written by Jonathan Dawson from the book Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary created by Alberto Acosta. 

Pedagogy: from the middle French (16th century), from Latin paedagogia, ‘education, attendance on boys’, from paidagogos ‘teacher’.

Challenging Assumptions in Education

Our current educational systems have many dominating core assumptions that are so deeply entrenched in us that we are rarely even aware of their existence. The a…

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Is the Neoliberal Citadel Beginning to Crumble?


Photo: Angus Deaton, a Princeton professor renowned for his meticulousness, has won the 2015 Nobel Prize for economics.PHOTOGRAPH BY JEWEL SAMAD / AFP / GETTY

 15 April 2024 - an Article by Jonathan Dawson @ Gaia Education []

A remarkable article by economics Nobel laureate, Angus Deaton, has recently rolled off the press. It comprises a thoroughgoing critique of the very foundations of neoliberal economic philosophy and practice from one of its leading propo…

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