News and Articles

What is "Systems Thinking"?

Systems Thinking _blog banner
Felicia Chavez, instructor of Gaia Education's Systems Thinking for Real-World Change course, introduces us to a framework for 'thinking about systems thinking.' This framework highlights three key perspectives that define the challenging and often surprising world of systems thinking.

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🌀Creating Sustainable Designs with a Whole-Systems Approach


Image from Pixabay MysticArtDesign

To design sustainably, we must recognise the interconnectedness of both challenges and solutions. This is where a whole-systems approach comes in—it takes a comprehensive look at all elements of a system and their interactions to create efficient, sustainable outcomes.

What is a System?

A system is best described as:

“a collection of subjects or elements that have a relationship among themselves.”
These relationships form patter…

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A FREE Systems Thinking toolkit to help you navigate these complex times!

Systems Thinking Toolkit Gaia Education
We have created a Systems Thinking toolkit that provides the insights, strategies, and tools needed to cultivate a more holistic approach, empowering you to tackle complex issues effectively. Whether your goal is to support your community, address environmental issues, or drive social change, this toolkit will equip you to take action that truly makes a difference.

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To honour the memory and work of Jane Rasbash at Gaia Education


It’s with a heavy heart that we regret to inform you that Jane Rasbash, our friend and colleague, has passed away today (31 October 2024), exactly on the day of her birthday - and on the day of Samhain.

Jane has been an active member of Gaia Education, serving on the board of trustees as well as on the management team in recent years. Before that, she and Pracha Hutanuwatra were vital contributors to the
ongoing development of our Ecovillage Design Education and Training of Trainers curricula, so…

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How food connects us to Earth 🍌 Conscious Food Systems Alliance Case studies


Conscious Food Systems Alliance has put together a collection of case studies that showcase exemplary practises in conscious and regenerative food systems. And we at Gaia Education are so proud to be a part of it!

🍉Food connects us fundamentally with the Earth and with one another and the Conscious Food systems alliance wants to help people connect to nature again through eating and the food that sustains us. This in return can help us alleviate and solve dysfunctional food systems; hunger, obe…

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What is regenerative literacy?


Image from Anglopix

When you have the understanding and the words to describe something, you can become more engaged with it. Eco- or regenerative literacy is integral in helping us understand our environment while developing intrinsic regenerative values and the skills needed to maintain in harmony with nature. 

It goes beyond sustainability by focusing on restoring, renewing, and enhancing the natural environment, human communities, and their interactions with one another. Imagine if our f…

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UN's Pact for the Future



The world is at a pivotal moment, and the leaders have responded by adopting a historic "Pact for the Future" during the recent UN Summit of the Future in New York at the end of last month. This pact could be the key to unlocking a brighter, more sustainable future—but it won’t happen unless we take action.

Our house is on fire—climate change, resource conflicts, and economic instability are pushing us to the brink. We cannot afford to delay any longer. The choices we make now …

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What happens when you shift the power dynamics of pedagogy?

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This text is adapted from a chapter called "Pedagogy" written by Jonathan Dawson from the book Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary created by Alberto Acosta. 

Pedagogy: from the middle French (16th century), from Latin paedagogia, ‘education, attendance on boys’, from paidagogos ‘teacher’.

Challenging Assumptions in Education

Our current educational systems have many dominating core assumptions that are so deeply entrenched in us that we are rarely even aware of their existence. The a…

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Latest from Global sustainable development with Scottish International Alliance


Last week, Gaia Education had the opportunity to attend the Scottish International Development Alliance’s annual conference, held at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. This significant event brought together a diverse group of NGOs, global development experts, and healthcare professionals to explore collaborative strategies for creating a more equitable and sustainable world for future generations.

The conference buzzed with energy as NGOs, global development experts, and healthcare professionals conv…

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Connecting and Co-Creating: Reflections from the GEN Europe Ecovillage Gathering at Ängsbacka


GEN Europe’s Ecovillage Gathering was held at Ängsbacka in Sweden this year, from 20-25 August. Taisa, Macaco, Peter, and Sally had the pleasure of representing Gaia Education at this Community of Communities.

We connected with longterm friends, colleagues and partners, absorbed the latest innovations in thought, presencing and action in the ecovillage and regenerative world, co-envisioned new projects, and got updated on all the news from around the European movement and beyond. It is a vital ev…

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