CurioSoil live meetings are kicking off!

The CurioSoil EU project is finally starting with an open session at the University of Aveiro in Portugal.
All the partners are coming together to get to know each other and discuss the project flow for the next four years. The project brings together scientists, policymakers, artists, tech experts, ecologists, educators, teachers and people from many other areas to bring interactive, innovative soil education to mainstream schooling.
European Commission funds the project and brings together these 11 partners: Universidade de Aveiro, Associacio Revolve Mediterraneo, Fakulteta Za Varstvo Okolja, Wakeningen University, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Ecolise, European Science communication Institute, European School heads association, Stichting International Soil reference and information centre, Universitaet fuer bodenkultur Wien, Norsk Institutt for Biookonomi
Programme of the Kick-Off Open Session
Introduction and Welcome (25 min)
. Artur Silva, Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Aveiro
. Amadeu Soares, Scientific Coordinator of CESAM (Centre for Environmental
and Marine Studies)
. Maria Helena Araújo Sá, Scientific Coordinator of CIDTFF (Research Centre
on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers is a Research Unit)
. Maria de Fátima Lopes Alves, Director of the Department of Environment and
. Jorge Adelino Rodrigues da Costa, Director of the Department of Education and
. Pedro Pombo, Director of Fábrica Ciência Viva Science Center
About CURIOSOIL (60 min)
. Presentation of Project Partner Teams (40 min)
· Presentation of Project Objectives and Workplan by the Project Coordinator
(20 min)
Work Packages Brief Presentation (70 min)
. WP1 by WP1 leader (10 min)
. WP2 by WP2 leader (10 min)
. WP3 by WP3 leader (10 min)
. WP4 by WP4 leader (10 min)
. WP5 by WP5 leader (10 min)
. WP6 by WP6 leader (10 min)
. WP7 by WP7 leader (10 min)
Presentation of Project Expected Results, Milestones & Deliverables (10 min)
Round-Table – Insights from Portuguese Education (90 min)
. Sandra Soares, Vice-Rector for Education of the University of Aveiro
. Maria João Fernandes, ANI/ Soil Mission in Portugal
. Carlos Alexandre, Portuguese Soil Partnership from the University of Évora
. Álvaro Pinto, Ciência Viva Science Centre of Lousal, Institute Dom Luiz, Faculty
of Sciences of University of Lisbon
. Álvaro Santos, ANDAEP (National Association of Portuguese Public Schools
and School Clusters’ Headteachers)
. Filinto Lima, ANDAEP (National Association of Portuguese Public Schools and
School Clusters’ Headteachers)
. Susana Mendes, School of Agriculture - Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo
. João Santos, Environmental Engineering Student - University of Aveiro
Presentation from the Research Executive Agency (REA) (10 min)
. Maria José Amaral, Project Officer
. Questions and Answers
Presentation by LOESS “sister project” (20 min)
Questions & Answers (20 min)
The meeting will continue for two more days with internal preparation and implementation of the project.
This project is a part of the mission of the soil deal for Europe. The main goal of the Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe' is to establish 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030.
The 8 Mission objectives
- reduce desertification
- conserve soil organic carbon stocks
- stop soil sealing and increase re-use of urban soils
- reduce soil pollution and enhance restoration
- prevent erosion
- improve soil structure to enhance soil biodiversity
- reduce the EU global footprint on soils
- improve soil literacy in society
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