What is 'Systems Thinking'?

"Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes rather than parts, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots, and for understanding the subtle interconnectedness that gives living systems their unique character."
- Peter Senge, author of - 'The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organisation.
Have you ever wondered what we mean when discussing "systemic" problems or saying "the system is broken"?
Although some of us may be familiar with the concept of "systems thinking," it can be challenging to apply it in practice.
Felicia Chavez, from Systems Thinking Marin, and also the Facilitator/Instructor of our new course Systems Thinking for Real-World Change, gives a brief introduction of some concepts of Systemic Thinking and a few examples of how to put it in practice:
What is ’Systems Thinking?
There are three main points of systemic thinking:
1) Systems thinking is about relationships;
2) Systems thinking means the cognitive capacity to hold the one and the many at the same time
3) Systems thinking is a change in perspective, from the short-term to long-term; narrow to wide; shallow/surface to deep; outer to inner.
Here’s the full explanation:
Why is it so important, and how can a Systemic view help us?
Systems Thinking can help us see the bigger picture and understand how different parts of a system are related to one another. This can lead to more effective problem-solving, decision-making, and better planning and design of solutions.
How Do I Know When I'm Systems Thinking?
Using the Monarch butterfly case, Felicia explains how Systems Thinking can be used to address the problem of decreasing Monarch population in California. Check it out:
Let’s put it into practice together!
Our new course offers simple ways to reference the "systems" level of reality in your daily life and work. We explore a range of tangible, in-the-box methods and more esoteric approaches. As a participant, you'll immerse yourself in dramatic news events, academic models, personal stories, and spirituality. You'll learn practical frameworks for contextualizing the overwhelming plethora of systems methods and models, assessing your work, and identifying areas for continued, in-depth systems training.
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