Connecting and Co-Creating: Reflections from the GEN Europe Ecovillage Gathering at Ängsbacka


GEN Europe’s Ecovillage Gathering was held at Ängsbacka in Sweden this year, from 20-25 August. Taisa, Macaco, Peter, and Sally had the pleasure of representing Gaia Education at this Community of Communities.

We connected with longterm friends, colleagues and partners, absorbed the latest innovations in thought, presencing and action in the ecovillage and regenerative world, co-envisioned new projects, and got updated on all the news from around the European movement and beyond. It is a vital event for us in the regenerative calendar.

The Global Ecovillage Network created Gaia Education nearly 20 years ago, and so of course ensures that its gatherings cover the 4 dimensional mandala for which Gaia Education is famous - embracing social, ecological, economic, and Worldview/Cultural dimensions of sustainability into a Whole Systems Design framework so communities can make that jump into the design of regenerative human cultures.

But it is the Social dimension that stood out for us this year, as 800 participants of all ages from all over the World created a vibrant and loving temporary community whilst braving the rain and the cold! 

Huge appreciation for Ängsbacka for its generous and warm holding of the event, setting up clear and efficient systems for camping, delicious meals, organising washing up, and cleaning up at the end. They were also very clear that alongside the group agreements, they had  certain non-negotiable rules, including no drinking of alcohol. It was helpful to be in a community that knows its boundaries so clearly, and that can articulate how these rules contribute to its vision and mission - whether that be to create a safe atmosphere that favours authentic connection and spiritual practice or simply to live harmoniously with its neighbours. And it was also delightful how they shared those rules in a hilarious song that received raucous applause from the crowd.

So, with everyone now knowing how to live at Ängsbacka, we all relaxed into getting to know each other through workshops, dancing, hanging out in the gorgeous cafe, meditating in the heart tent, or warming up in the sauna.


Over half the participants this year were new to these gatherings, so a Meet the Ecovillages and Projects Fayre held on the first afternoon was very helpful. Those of us on the stalls talked till we were hoarse, showcasing a diverse yet aligned spectrum of approaches to regeneration and ecovillage life. Ecovillages and regenerative practitioners can sometimes feel quite lonely in their geographical home, as others might find their ways strange, so it always feels very nourishing to be reminded of our place as part of a dynamic and aligned community spread across the world.

Connection is everything✨

Cultural creativity was abundant in dance, in art and crafts and play sessions, in the rituals throughout the event, in the singing, and music. Transcending all language issues, these activities allowed strangers to connect on a deeper level than in words, and by the end, with all we had been through, there was an intimate sense of community much more deeply felt than at the start of the gathering.

Once bonded, how do we communities take action for change together?

 So many practical ideas were shared in the realms of education and training, activism, spirituality, and networking, leaving the community inspired and ready for action.


So what are we left with after this beautiful European Ecovillage Gathering?

That in a world that seems to be spiralling into multi crises and social breakdown, there is so much hope in the coming together of individuals aligned with similar worldviews, quietly seeking simple and healthy ways to connect more deeply with themselves, each other and the natural world of which we are a part, and to co-design regenerative ways for our communities to live on this beautiful planet. We are not alone 🙂

If you’d like to know more about the Social principles of regenerative design that inspire all these alternative ways of being together, check out the Social Dimension course, part of the Gaia Education Design for Sustainability and Regeneration programme.

Good news: Next year's gathering has started to be planned already!

The 2025 Gathering will be a special one in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of GEN and the 20th anniversary of Gaia Education. It will take place in Hungary, from August 12th to 17th. It will be more diverse and international, welcoming representatives from all over the world as well as the elders of the movement. Gaia Education is honoured to co-create it. Save the date! 📅


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