Who we are

Gaia Education is a leading provider of holistic education in sustainability, regenerative practices, and community development. Rooted in the principles of Earth care, people care, and fair share, we support learners worldwide to build sustainable, thriving communities.

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Gaia Education Whatsapp


We just launched an Whatsapp chat. You can talk to us individually or join the Gaia Education community on Whatsapp. 

Webinar Doughnut Della Duncan

Webinar | April 19th, 11am PST / 6pm UTC

A Doughnut that's Good for California and the World

Join Renegade Economists Della Duncan and Emma Woods for an enlightening webinar that introduces the principles of Doughnut Economics and highlights the innovative work of the California Doughnut Economics Coalition in creating a comprehensive Doughnut Economics snapshot for the state.

Register to this FREE Webinar
Bioregioning square

Bioregioning in Practice

The Bioregional Learning Alliance is an international network of practitioners dedicated to growing the field of bioregioning. After two years of collaboration, we have designed a learning program that provides multiple entry points based on your experience and interests.

This course will guide you through the foundational concepts and practical applications of bioregioning, equipping you with the tools to start your own journey. Whether you’re looking to explore case studies, connect with mentors, or engage in deeper learning pathways, this program offers the opportunity to take your next steps.


Starts April 21st | Know more

What if Women Designed the City?

Reimagine urban spaces through a gender-sensitive lens.

Join international urbanist, author and regenerative practitioner May East, PhD in this transformative 7-week online course inspired by her celebrated book.

This unique programme invites participants to reimagine urban spaces through a gender-sensitive lens, exploring how cities can work better for women and girls, therefore benefitting all.

This course operates at the crossroads of 3 megatrends informing the world we live in:

  • The repositioning of women in society
  • The rapid pace of urbanisation
  • The urgent need to decarbonize our lifestyles


Starts May 12th. Learn More!

Our transformative courses

GEDS Pós-Graduação online,
em Português

Torne-se um "Especialista em Sustentabilidade" com nossa pós-graduação lato sensu de 14 meses e custo acessível. Aquira habilidades essenciais para implementar práticas regenerativas em seus projetos.

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Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Join our first ever course led by Dr. Lyla June exploring how to respectfully connect with and receive Indigenous knowledge as visitors from outside a given Native community.

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Worldview Dimension
GEDS English

Join us and become a sustainability and regeneration designer to ensure that life-supporting natural functions are not only preserved but regenerated whenever possible.  

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SDG Multipliers Online Training

Learn the skills on how you can support and lead your community or organisation to innovatively achieve more sustainable projects and initiatives and contribute to reaching the Agenda 2030 and SDGs in your context and locality.

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Principles and Practices of Deep Transformation

The only way we can truly change our trajectory is by approaching society’s problems from the foundation of an alternative worldview—one that affirms life, rather than the accumulation of wealth above all else. - A course with Jeremy Lent

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Findhorn Permaculture Design Certificate

Certified by The Permaculture Association (British), this course offers a hands-on approach to sustainable living, community building, and ecological design.

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Hear from our Alumni

  • Gaia Education

    Hands-on learning. Holistic view. Integration with inner work. Being plain and clear about spirituality, not hiding it.

    EDE Participant

  • Gaia Education

    Taking this course has been a significant experience to me and I’m glad to be continuing on the journey due to Gaia Education!

    Economic Dimension EN

  • Gaia Education

    I found Silvia and Della to both be brilliant facilitators. The space they created felt warm, safe and inspiring. I really appreciated how, in the initial welcome during the first session they spent time welcoming everyone, all backgrounds, cultures, genders, priviledges and also included wherever we were emotionally and psychologically.

    Cultivating Renegerative Livelihoods

  • Findhorn PDC - Social Sharing Image (1200 x 628 px) (1) Permaculture Design Certificate - Findhorn

    The content, the videos shared, the medium article links, and presentations by Daniel are really informative, plus the live conversations with Daniel were enlightening and inspiring. A great course, can highly recommend.

    4D Regenerative Design Literacy with Daniel Wahl

  • Gaia Education

    In general, I thought the experience was fantastic overall. To be connected with people from all over the planet working on similar projects to heal the earth and humanity was just absolutely wonderful. I have made some long term connections with people that I hope can be continued into the future.

    Ecosystem Restoration Design

  • Thumbnails - Products - Simplero (6) Principles and Practices of Deep Transformation - Sept 2024

    It was wonderful connecting with a group of likeminded people from such diverse backgrounds and knowledge bases. These discussions enriched the course experience, and gave me new angles from which to view from

    Principles and Practices of Deep Transforation

  • Gaia Education

    It was a very interesting course and already quite complete as it explored different concepts of resilience, also distinguishing for example between emergency and rather long-term resilience out of our healthy and conscious lifestyle.

    Design for Resilience

Join our Mission: Educate and Innovate

Embark on a transformative journey with Gaia Education. Whether you choose to deepen your knowledge through our comprehensive courses or actively engage in our hands-on sustainability projects, you have the power to make a real impact. Explore our educational programs to gain essential skills, or participate in our projects to apply your learning in real-world settings.