Glocalisers Webinars Series
We are pleased to present the Gaia Education Glocalisers Webinar Series!
Gaia Education works to build capacity on whole systems design, unleashing the emergence of local solutions to global challenges. We nurture communities of learning where participants can develop meaningful, actionable knowledge both personally and socially.
These webinars consist of a wonderful opportunity to bring yourself to a new perspective on so many topics. And we offer you the chance to meet some of the Gaia Education Certified Trainers, otherwise known as Glocalisers. Empowered by the skills and knowledge acquired throughout their learning and combining them to their own personal journey, our trainers weave their own thread into the fabric of Gaia Education’s world work.
We have great webinars such as "Education in the time of Extinction" with Naresh Giangrande, where he talks about how our education failed us and what we have to do to change that to people start to have key competencies. And also different topics such as "Numbers and Economy as you have never seen them before" with Sascha Jenke. He told us about how numbers can guide the way you understand and interact with the world. and apply them to fundamental questions as well.
Since 2014, from time to time Gaia Education provides our community with a free new Webinar where you can learn about a range topics based on our holistic, four-dimensional approach to Education for Sustainability.
On the Webinars you will learn about:
- COVID-19 and Opportunities for Shifts in Consciousness
- Regenerative Economics
- Blockchain and its relation with UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Transitioning from Global to Local Economies in the 21st Century
- How can carbon footprints contribute to sustainability projects?
- Regenerative Development
- Shifting the Global Economy Towards Sustainability

Previous Webinars in english
Previous Webinars in portuguese
Previous Webinars in spanish