Gaia Education Community Gathering

What's your role in shaping a sustainable future?

4th of October, 2024
15:00 UTC (convert to your time zone here)

Get up to date with Gaia Education's latest activities in this online event

Join our online courses coordinators Ivan Ballesteros Barnie and Yan Teixeira to discuss Gaia education's vision for education and what are our upcoming plans!

You will hear from both of our co-CEO's as well as recent projects and achievements from our face-to-face and youth coordinators. 

In the end of the session, we will hold a Q&A where you have the chance to ask any questions relating to Gaia Education's courses, projects, activities or anything else.

Come join us and discover your role in the Gaia Education universe!

A great opportunity to learn more about GEDS!

GEDS (Gaia Education Design for Sustainability and Regeneration) is our flagship program for training change agents. Through it, you embark on a complete regenerative journey through the 4 Dimensions of our curriculum (Social, Ecological, Economic and Worldview), acquiring knowledge, techniques and tools to create the change you desire in your projects, work and personal life.

During the event, we will have the opportunity to talk more about GEDS and also welcome some of the course facilitators. Bring your questions and come learn more about this transformative journey!



Yan Teixeira

eLearning Coordinator

Yan is part of our e-Learning team. Graduated in engineering, he has been exploring a more holistic worldview in his life, as well as a concept of sustainability and regeneration. Has experience volunteering in different ecovillages, supporting EDEs and educational projects.

ivan right picture

Ivan Barnie

eLearning Associate & European Project Coordinator

Ivan Ballesteros Barnie is part of the E-Learning and Projects Team. Intercultural mediator, holistic facilitator/coach, consultant and community weaver. With more than ten years of international experience exploring communities where community, regenerative and artistic development were the main axes.

He has founded several organisations in Europe, coordinating alternative educational programs and regenerative projects.  In his life he has been active in many fields of sustainability, including the social field, committed spirituality, rural regeneration, collaborative economy and eco-construction.


Sally Bogale

Co-Chief Executive Officer

Sally has worked for over 17 years as a project manager, project development manager and fundraiser in the fields of international development, humanitarian aid and sustainability. Having worked for Findhorn Ecovillage as Youth Project Manager, she joined the International Committee of the Red Cross in 2007 in the Philippines and Guinea. Returning to Scotland in 2012 with Ecologia Youth Trust, she joined Gaia Education in 2016, holding various roles in projects, resourcing and partnerships. Her passion is supporting pioneering partners to launch their projects, working with them to share their learning, and that of Gaia Education, with those interested in regenerative lifestyles.


Pedro Pedrosa

Co-Chief Executive Officer

Pedro have been working with Gaia Education since 2018 and supporting the organisation in different and many challenges along his tenure. Pedro has a degree as a Bachelor Degree in International Relations and European Students, and is currently a PhD candidate in Communications and Activisms. Pedro worked as a Science Communication Officer in his past life as an Astronomer in the Astrophysics Center of University of Porto, managed the Homeless Support Center in Porto, and is a member of several activisms organisations relating to Migrants and Refugees and Animal Welfare. Pedro lives in Porto, but was born in Vizela, a small town in the north of Portugal.

Taisa Mattos

Face-to-Face Programmes Coordinator

Taisa is passionate about Ecovillages and regenerative education. She has coordinated and taught Ecovillage Design Education Programmes since 2009, having contributed to 30 certified EDEs all over in Brazil, Portugal, Mozambique, Argentina and online. Education & Research Coordinator at the Global Ecovillage Network (since 2019); Board Member of the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA), she is currently the Project Manager of the Erasmus+ partnership project Regenerative Communities for All (ReGEN4ALL) on Ecovillage research.Leader author of the GEN Regenerative Urban Communities Manual. Author of the book Ecovillages: building a regenerative culture. Professor at the Post-Graduate Program on Pedagogy of Cooperation and Social Methodologies (UNIP/Projeto Cooperação) in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo since 2014.

Taisa Mattos

Macaco Tamerice

Face-to-Face Courses and Certifications consultant

Macaco Tamerice (Martina Grosse Burlage) is a sociologist, a life coach for meaningful relationships specialized in community-building, inner transformation, leadership and conflict resolution. She has been living at Damanhur since 1993, where she has held many roles of social and artistic responsibility, not last leading the Federation. In 2008, she became Vice President and then President of the Global Ecovillage Network-Europe (GEN Europe) until 2015. She is one of GEN’s UN representatives and the President of the NGO Damanhur Education. Macaco is a multi-lingual international speaker, facilitator of many courses and seminars and a certified GEESE Educator (since 2011).