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This toolkit reflects a holistic and transformative pedagogy which draws from a range of learning theories to promote eco-activism. It features many system thinking models and nature connection methods, providing community formation, action-orientated and resilience-building tools for the youth. A narrative format encourages users to progress linearly along six phases of eco-activism, yet there are mechanisms for more experienced activists to navigate the toolkit according to pedagogy type.




FREE Webinars

 Since 2014, from time to time Gaia Education provides our community with a free new Webinar where you can learn about a range of topics based on our holistic, four-dimensional approach to Education for Sustainability. 

On the Webinars you will learn about:

  • COVID-19 and Opportunities for Shifts in Consciousness
  • Regenerative Economics
  • Blockchain and its relation with UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Transitioning from Global to Local Economies in the 21st Century
  • How carbon footprints contribute to sustainability projects
  • Regenerative Development
  • Shifting the Global Economy Towards Sustainability

And much more!

Ecovillage Design Education Curriculum

The EDE curriculum covers four dimensions of sustainability: Worldview, Social, Ecological and Economic. It was first developed and offered in several ecovillages and has been adjusted and refined since 1998. It offers a wide range of practical application and innovative materials, ideas and tools that have been developed and tested in ecovillages, communities and urban transition settings worldwide. Gaia Education is offering this as a free download for personal use (i.e. not for resale for a profit). EDE copyright ©Gaia Education and it's available in English, Danish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japonese, Finnish and Chinese.



Free Downloads

SDGs Multipliers Handbook
Available in English, Spanish and French

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Multipliers Handbook offers a detailed description of how to prepare, promote and facilitate an SDGs Training of Multipliers using Gaia Education’s SDGs Implementation Flashcards.

It outlines who the training is for, how it can be adapted to different contexts, a training materials check-list, how to set up the workshop space, and desired outcomes for the training.

The handbook contains two detailed workshop scripts for a day-long and a half-day SDGs Training of Multipliers. Each with a step-by-step list of what exercises to facilitate in what sequence and how to do so.

Handbook SDG free Download

ZYCALA Instruction Sheets

Zambian Youth for Conservation, Agriculture and Livelihood Action

The ZYCALA (Zambian Youth for Conservation, Agriculture and Livelihood Action project) Instruction Sheets offer a detailed description of how to create and prepare organic compost, liquid manure, fish tonic, and much more.

With explanations for each step, you will be taken through all necessary phases to complete the processes relevant to your agricultural activities and practices.

Included in this Instruction sheet:

  • Creation of Compost
  • Preparation of Liquid Manure
  • Crop Rotation
  • Preparation of Biochar
  • Mulching
  • Preparation of Chili Pesticide
  • Seed Saving Tomato Seeds
  • ifyakupekanya ifyakuchingilila utushishi ukubomfya impilipili (bemba version)
  • ifyakupekanya umufundo wamenshi (bemba version)
Create compost Free Download Fact Sheet
Screenshot 2022-01-28 at 14.53.47

SDGs Flashcards

It is firmly believed that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should not be separated from the global communities that forge them, and Gaia Education has developed this educational tool in collaboration with the UNESCO GAP Secretariat. The SDG Teaching Card contains more than 200 questions on the system-wide approach to achieving the 2030 Agenda.

These cards enable a problem-centric group conversation. They invite participants to collaborate to identify actions and solutions to implement the SDGs in ways that are relevant to their lives and communities. This is an effective way to establish local community ownership for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Flashcards are used in the SDG Training of Multipliers. Check out the SDG Training Multipliers Handbook for a detailed description of how to prepare, promote, and how to use these cards more easily to promote community activist training.

SDGs Flashcards are also available in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian,  Chinese and Japanese.

Youth SDGs Flashcards are now available in English and German.



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Recommended Readings

Designing Regenerative Cultures

by Daniel Christian Wahl

This is a ‘Whole Earth Catalog’ for the 21st century: an impressive and wide-ranging analysis of what’s wrong with our societies, organizations, ideologies, worldviews and cultures – and how to put them right. The book covers the finance system, agriculture, design, ecology, economy, sustainability, organizations and society at large.

Daniel Wahl explores ways in which we can reframe and understand the crises that we currently face and explores how we can live our way into the future.

Fritjof Capra, author of The Web of Life, co-author of ‘The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision’: “It not only contains a wealth of ideas on what Dr Wahl has termed ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures’ but what is probably more important, it provides some stimulating new ways of looking at persistent problems in our contemporary culture and hence opens up new ways of thinking and acting in the future.”


Ecovillages Around the World

coordinated by Gaia Education

Including more than 300 full-color photographs and diagrams, the book highlights 20 designs from ecovillages around the world to show how we can live lightly on the planet no matter where on earth we live. This book provides a view into the future. Its many diverse examples show solutions to particular times and places.

The chronological progression from oldest to newest shows an interesting development–from projects that originally had a more spiritual origin, like Findhorn, or socially responsible origins like Solheimar, to fully-fledged ecologically planned villageBacks that provide ready-built homes for anyone and everyone interested in making a difference, like Hurdal and Permatopia.

  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • Publisher: Findhorn Press (10 July 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1844097439
  • ISBN-13: 978-1844097432
  • Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 10.6 inches
Ecovillages around the world book

Uma Visão Holística para a Mobilidade Urbana

Por Yan Beltrame Teixeira

Yan é facilitador Gaia Education e integra o time de staff global, e escreveu um livro integrando a perspectiva holística ao que estudou em sua graduação como Engenheiro de Transportes com seus aprendizados no contexto de Ecovilas e sustentabilidade, sendo uma inspiração da reproducão dessa visão nos sistemas urbanos.

O livro apresenta uma perspectiva sistêmica e transdisciplinar, aplicando práticas e conceitos disruptivos no planejamento de cidades sustentáveis, com enfoque na mobilidade urbana e nos transportes. O tema em estudo é abordado a partir de uma visão holística aprendida e vivenciada em Ecovilas, compreendendo e dando espaço à pluralidade de elementos que envolvem o planejamento urbano, oferecendo uma alternativa ao pensamento fragmentado que permeia a estrutura da sociedade moderna.


Project Resources and Results

Explore the fruits of Gaia Education's years of project development in our comprehensive collection of resources and products. Dive into the following section to discover a wealth of outcomes tailored to support sustainable development across diverse contexts.

SDG Toolkit

Gaia Education Sustainable Development Goals Online Toolkit and resources for Designing Community Projects

More Details



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Gaia Education, WWF Zambia and the Young Emerging Farmers Initiative (YEFI) launched, on the 1st October 2017, a three-year project in the districts of Chitambo, Serenje and Mkushi in Central Province, Zambia.

Project Results

Youth Action for Nature and Wellbeing

Co-create personal and collective regenerative action and resilience tools/frameworks (with youth and youth workers) to transform the way we understand, relate, and respond to nature, as nature

Project Website

Youth Education for Sustainability

Both the Curriculum for Youth and the Guide for Educators offers teachers and curriculum developers opportunities and suggestions surrounding how to bring sustainable development issues to young people and educational institutions.

See Project Website

Youth in Transition

This project explored the use of art and creativity further and broader in ESD and used creativity and artistic expression as a way to engage and connect more young people - to each other, to society and to the issues of sustainability and environmental justice.

See Project Website

Blended Adult Learning for The Social Ecological 

The purpose of the BLAST partnership is to enable educators, trainers, facilitators, mentors, researchers etc. in delivering transformative learning opportunities to citizens, communities and professionals that engage as change-makers and game-changers in the social-ecological transition.

See Project Website


Accelerate Systemic Change by Leveraging Local and Translocal Collaborations that Lead to Regenerative Cultures

See Project Website

Building Capacity & Empowering Communities in Bangladesh

Building Capacity and Empowering Communities in Khulna and Bagerhat Districts, in Southern Bangladesh, to use Sustainable Agriculture, Aquaculture Development and Climate Change Adaptation Interventions.

Project Results

Empowering & Building Capacity in Tribal Communities in Odisha, India

Empowering and Building Capacity of Tribal Communities of Four Gram Panchayats of Laxmipur Block of Koraput District in Odisha to Increase Food Security, Strengthen Social Cohesion and Enhance Climate Resilience.

Project Results

Youth Glocalisers for Change

The Youth Glocalisers for Change training programme holds the vision of an informed, empowered, imaginative and inter-connected generation of Austrian Youth Glocalisers, able and willing to adapt lifestyles and consumer behaviours to planetary boundaries while achieving the SDGs by 2030.

Project Results

Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscape (SUMCULA)

The objective of this partnership is the development of courses and didactic resources on Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes, Regional Development and Cultural Heritage to be conducted at a Master’s level.

Project Results

Design for Sustainability & Organic Food Systems for Asylum Seekers in Denmark

Six-week Course for Asylum Seekers in Design for Sustainability and Organic Food Systems, taking place in Avnstrup, Denmark.

Project Results

Socio-Economic Integration of Migrants & Sicilian Youth through Organic Products (Sicilia Integra)

Sicilia Integra aims to support the socio-economic integration of migrants arriving in Sicily.

Project Results

Youthful Herbal Chocolate

The Youthful Herbal Chocolate Project aims to build the capacity of these young women to begin a new life as they arrive in a region with the richest concentration of biodiversity in Europe, in terms of medicinal and aromatic herbs.

Project Results

Increasing Food Security, Income Generation & Environmental Sustainability in the Podor Region, Northern Senegal

This three-year food security project engaging four villages of the Podor Region of northern Senegal

Project Results