Theosophy - Ancient Wisdom Applied to Modern Times, with Eduardo Weaver

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Theosophy - Ancient Wisdom Applied to Modern Times, with Eduardo Weaver

The word Theosophy was used for the first time in ancient Greece. It means Divine Wisdom, a universal wisdom that does not belong to any creed, but is the rootless root of all religious and philosophical traditions. Theosophy can be understood as the wisdom of the heart, a wisdom that can only be grasped through meditation, when the mind is still. The Gaia Education holistic worldview is totally in tune with the Theosophical Teachings that propose the interdependence of all things and the unity of life. The time is right to embrace a new consciousness of peace and cooperation.

In this webinar you can…

  • Learn about Theosophy, the Ancient Wisdom that is the root of all religions;
  • Understand how this unitary view of life has influenced great leaders, philosophers and scientists like Gandhi, Krishnamurti and Einstein;
  • Know how the theosophical way of life is contributing to create a new consciousness of trust, cooperation and peace.  
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