Working Together in Neighborhoods for Regeneration, with Lara Freitas

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Working Together in Neighborhoods for Regeneration, with Lara Freitas

Patterns of urbanisation coupled with the majority of the population now living in urban areas means that most of our challenges are concentrated in cities.

The solutions lie with the urban communities which, acting on the local scale, can promote transformation and regeneration. However, this path depends on our collective capacity to learn new skills, knowledge, and understand the territory to which they belong – their components and resources.

The interaction between people, places and ideas has the power to generate the redesign of cities and neighbourhoods. We will need multiple strategies based on a systemic vision to deal with this complex world. Improving local dialogue and action is a fundamental task in our time!

Through this webinar we will learn what it means to be in an eco-neighborhood. We will explore the main elements of planning and actions at the local scale and present some case studies that are emerging in Brazil and in the rest of the world.

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