Public sector and ecological design: a synergy for SDGs acceleration, with Ezio Gori

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Public sector and ecological design: a synergy for SDGs acceleration, with Ezio Gori

This webinar presents how the Gaia Education knowledge base can be infused within typical public sector infrastructure delivery systems in the drive towards sustainable or regenerative development in order to give weight to the achievement of the SDGs. The lessons learned from this experience can demonstrate the following key learning outcomes for similar approaches elsewhere:

  • Understand the critical relationship between an institutional governance system and its counterpart performance management system, so that the SDGs and their related sustainability targets can be monitored and evaluated;
  • Understand the whole systems thinking approach for portfolio, programme and project management processes through the lens of the project cycle;
  • Appreciate how sustainable and regenerative development can be achieved through the application of Ecological Economics or the Four Capitals comprising the Natural, Built, Human and Social Capitals.
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