Webinar about "Sea of Hope" with the filmmaker Walid Salhab

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Webinar about "Sea of Hope" with the filmmaker Walid Salhab

Sea of Hope is a short animation film by award-winning filmmaker Walid Salhab. It tells the story of a Middle Eastern refugee father and son that undertake a dangerous sea journey trying to escape the war-torn country. The film aims to highlight the fears and the peril refugees take to have a chance at a semi-normal life. 

This event hosted by Gaia Education will consist of an online premiere of Sea of Hope, followed by a discussion on the role of the arts in activism for social justice and human search and rescue. 

Walid is from Tripoli in Lebanon, and the film is a labour of love that took five years to make as he learned animation from scratch. It was self-made in 2D by Walid then hand rotoscoped frame by frame by Italian artist Cristina Messina. It has been selected to show at 57 film festivals and won 46 awards so far. 

GBP 15
Total due GBP 15

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