Ecovillage Around the World (book)

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Ecovillage Around the World (book)

Over the last decade, Hildur Jackson in her role of Gaia Education Publications Coordinator guided the launch of the 4 Keys for Sustainable Communities Everywhere on the Planet– social design, ecological design, economic design and worldview. To complete the series, she wanted the 5th Key to be a beautiful book about the 20 best practice designs for ecovillages as a legacy of her passion for communities. This is her dream coming true, edited by Frederica Miller, supported by Gaia Trust and published by Findhorn Press.

Including more than 300 full-color photographs and diagrams, the book highlights 20 designs from ecovillages around the world to show how we can live lightly on the planet no matter where on earth we live. This book provides a view into the future. Its many diverse examples show solutions to particular times and places.

The chronological progression from oldest to newest shows an interesting development–from projects that originally had a more spiritual origin, like Findhorn, or socially responsible origins like Solheimar, to fully-fledged ecologically planned villages that provide ready-built homes for anyone and everyone interested in making a difference, like Hurdal and Permatopia.

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  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • Publisher: Findhorn Press (10 July 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1844097439
  • ISBN-13: 978-1844097432
  • Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 10.6 inches