Gaia Education Courses

Gaia Education programmes are based in a groundbreaking four dimensional framework - Social, Ecological, Economic and Worldview. 

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Gaia Education’s 12-month flagship online course, Design for Sustainability and Regeneration (GEDS), can help you play your part in redesigning the human presence on Earth from degenerative to regenerative, one person, community, organisation, and bioregion at a time.

The course is offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Take the whole course at once, or select one module at a time. Or convert it into a Masters or PhD with Ubiquity University!

For more information, click here. 


Design for Sustainability and Regeneration

 Design for Sustainability and Regeneration (GEDS)

Other Online Programmes

This online programmes have a duration from 3 to 8 weeks.

Gaia Education Whatsapp

If you have any question about our online programmes, just text us on whatsapp we will be very happy to answer all of your inquiries. 
