Join Gaia Education at Glarisegg: Practicing regenerative coexistence

Place for encounters and awareness

Circle culture

Communication within the circle is the basis of our work and decision-making. Authentic exchange with the other person and a conciliatory attitude in conflicts is the basis of our cooperation.

Creativity and spirituality

For us, creative expression and artistic design are gateways to a healing, inspiring experience of our potential. Our lived spirituality is reflected, among other things, in our playful interactions and our heart-opening and truthful being.

Peace and Ecology

We treat our internal and external resources with respect. We think and operate sustainably and responsibly towards future generations.

Learning field community

We explore community as an innovative and tolerant field of healing and growth for ourselves and the people who live with us. We welcome all people regardless of their spiritual path or their culture of origin. We network with initiatives and centers around the world that support our vision and whose vision we share.

2024 ede glarissegg

Schloss Glarisegg - Change yourself and the world through community building and cultural development

We are convinced that the value of practicing "community building" will be widely recognized in the near future. The global changes brought about by climate change, war and health crises make it clear that the ability to engage in authentic relationships in everyday life is an important basis for peaceful coexistence. Community building also means appreciating differences as a perspective of the bigger picture. Intelligent technologies make our lives easier in many ways, but they can neither make us socially capable nor prevent climate catastrophe. Sitting in front of a screen is one thing, looking a person in the eye is another. In order to be able to rely on ourselves and others, we need to know ourselves. "Who am I, how do I function, what are my skills?" This enables us to make the best decisions for ourselves, our families and the bigger picture. And we learn to question ourselves, our world and therefore also media content in a healthy and critical way.

How do we achieve (world) peace?

We believe that peace begins with the individual when we learn how to treat ourselves and our environment with love and care. This is exactly where our work comes in: We accompany people on their journey to self-discovery when they have the desire to develop personally and spiritually. It can seem impossible to become a person you really enjoy being in contact with. Learning to love yourself, with all your rough edges, but also with all your skills and abilities, becomes so much easier when a community reflects to us what we cannot see ourselves. It can help us to grow into our true greatness by honestly observing and recognizing our own, sometimes unloved, behaviors, and learning that we do not have to be perfect to be loved.

Every conflict offers the opportunity to learn something new about yourself and your counterpart. Relationships become deeper and more sustainable when we are prepared to give them the space they need. Community is a wonderful place to experiment with this. It is a liberating experience that helps you become more and more authentic. The more honest we can be with ourselves and others, the more serviceable we become to ourselves and others.

Educational programs at the heart of a Spiritual Community

Upcoming programs:

  • Thursday, January 9 '25 · 5am EST (1h)
    We are delighted to be offering another EDE in the heart of winter and in the cozy settings of Schloss Glarisegg. We have add…
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    We are delighted to be offering another EDE in the heart of winter and in the cozy settings of Schloss Glarisegg. We have added the title “Creating a Transformative Culture” because we recognize that as we move into a time of unpredictable change, we need to cultivate skills in dealing with the unknown. We ask how do I anchor myself in times of uncertainty? How does transformation happen, in myself, in others and in society at large? How do I become an effective change agent and what is my role to play?

    We will focus on social tools for individual and group competencies for intimate and large group communications, decision-making, conflict resolution, and project planning. We invite a large group of students to have ample practice in different sizes of collective endeavours.
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Ecovillage Design Education (EDE):