Ecosystems Training - Regenerating our Relationship with the Earth


09th - 17th April 2025
Poussan, France
(application below)

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The Polycrisis has conquered every aspect of life. As times are darkening, hope rests in those who want to heal relationships with life. Those stewards of life carry on with the possibility of a way to live as a part of this earth that is not destroying her. Joanna Macy defines three stories of our time, of which the first one is “business as usual, everything is fine. ” The second one is “we are doomed, and we can't do anything about it. ” And there is a third one that is “things look bad, and there is still hope. ” These stories are embedded in how we act as a part of this world and how we act as a part of the different ecosystems we are part of.


Within this training, we will focus on practices and workshops like permaculture, exploring health-sustaining cycles in our ecosystems, planetary healing through individual and communal well-being and connection, and exploring the power of multigenerational and cross-cultural knowledge by using and combining the wisdom of our own culture and communities. We will explore how we can collaborate on regenerating earth and our communities.

About the Training

09th - 17th of April

Learning Outcomes of this training are:

  • Hands-on knowledge of how to regenerate our ecosystems
  • tools to discover yourself in community
  • basic knowledge about regenerative cultures
  • community building
  • formation of a movement that can create a more regenerative mainstream

Key Principles

  • Use and Value Diversity. Throughout this course we willweave a web of community between all member and celebrate our differences. We try to co-create together with the particpants a safer world for everyone
  • Make connection First: Through Connection between the members we create the foundation on which a more regnerative culture can rest -> healthy social relationships
  • Cultivate Hope - in these challenging times hope remains something we actively need to cultivate if we want to leave our paralysis.


More information


The partipants applying with Gaia Education must apply in this page, Gaia Education and Catfarm Education will ensure they have the necessary paperwork to travel to France, and that travel is legal. If restrictions mean that travel is not possible the participant must inform Ivan ( ) as soon as the cancellation is confirmed. Each participant is entitled to 275 Euros for transportation to Catfarm Community.



We will provide 3 vegan meals and 2 coffee breaks during each project day. You will be fully accommodated through the Erasmus+ program budget. If you have any allergy or special diet, please explain it in the participants signup form.


Cultural Night:

During the Training, various cultural activities will be held every night. Please bring something you would like to share with us from your country that is in your opinion valuable for a more regenerative culture (food, games, stories)


Youthpass Certificate:

Each participant will receive their Youthpass certificate at the end of the project. Youthpass is a tool to document and recognise learning outcomes from youth work and solidarity activities. It is available for projects funded by Erasmus+: Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps Programmes.

 Application deadline: March, 14th

About the Project

The Polycrisis has conquered every aspect of life. As times are darkening, hope rests in those who want to heal relationships with life. Those stewards of life carry on with the possibility of a way to live as a part of this earth that is not destroying her. Joanna Macy defines three stories of our time, of which the first one is “business as usual, everything is fine. ” The second one is “we are doomed, and we can't do anything about it. ” And there is a third one that is “things look bad, and there is still hope. ” These stories are embedded in how we act as a part of this world and how we act as a part of the different ecosystems we are part of.

Within this training, we will focus on practices and workshops like permaculture, exploring health-sustaining cycles in our ecosystems, planetary healing through individual and communal well-being and connection, and exploring the power of multigenerational and cross-cultural knowledge by using and combining the wisdom of our own culture and communities. We will explore how we can collaborate on regenerating earth and our communities.


Meow, Catfarm Education is our association supported by an intentional community located in the outskirts of the medieval village of Poussan in the Herault department, in Southern France. We opened the doors of our association 7 years ago, although the Catfarm existed already before this.

Catfarm community is the container of our projects. It is a welcoming off-grid international community of creatives and nomads with the energy to explore an alternative lifestyle closer to nature and demonstrate self- sufficient living while finding ways to ethically work together. In the past three years, we have entered a highway to an intentional community and have walked into obstacles that have asked us for a creative solution within the boundaries of the place.