Rewilding the Fertile Crescent - the Concept and Practice, with Pupak Haghighi

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Rewilding the Fertile Crescent - the Concept and Practice, with Pupak Haghighi

Rewilding is a 21st century word. As attractive as it may sound, implied in the word is the loss of wilderness, a separation of man from nature, a devastation in the landscape. This is the scenery we are facing now in the Fertile Crescent. The devastation in the landscape started a long time ago, way before the political upheavals that constantly colour the news. Any hope for peace and security in the Fertile Crescent must be grounded in the regeneration and healing of the landscape. This is what Trees for Hope aims to catalyse with local partners. Our model of operation is to create opportunities to deliver the education necessary for cultural and ecological regeneration, then follow through with practical ecological recovery operations. We will be testing this model in Northern Iran starting December 2017.

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